
  • Name: Jonalyn Buffi
  • Age: 20
  • Birthday: June 3
  • Ethnicity: Filipino
About the blogger:
I’m a strong believer in loving oneself and trying to be confident and accepting of how you look. Since I was young I have struggled with acne and the insecurities that come along with having pimples all over your face. My family always encouraged me by telling me that people care more about the heart than physical traits. So, every morning I look in the mirror and even if I don’t like how I look I tell myself that pimples are temporary and that how I act towards people will have an impact in the world. I feel that if I can share how I have faced those insecurities, someone may find that helpful and can start to accept themselves as well.
In 2014, I started this skin care blog and decided to name it Chi-Chi’s Corner. I named it that because as a child my mom always called me Chi-Chi and I thought if I added the word Corner it sounded cute. In this blog, I review different skincare products that are mainly from Japan or Korea. I also show you my daily life and the challenges I face and the different ways I handle each situation.
Through this blog, I have seen myself change into someone who is more confident and happy. Some of those feelings do stem from how my external appearance has changed but it also comes from knowing that people really do care about my personality and focus on that instead of how I look. I hope to inspire people of all ages to come together and celebrate how wonderful we are.

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