
Life Update: July 2016

Hey there! I know I said I'd post more now that I've picked the school I want to go to but I didn't realize how busy this summer was going to be. After my life update post in June, I put up another review a few days after. Unfortunately, work to over my life for the rest of June and part of July. I also went away twice in July and even though I did have wifi for one of the times I was away I just wanted to chill out and not worry about the internet.

But now my two trips are over and I don't have to work a lot in August so I have so plans for this blog and for my youtube channel. For this blog instead of writing three times a week, I'll write two posts. I feel like three was a lot and I just didn't have the time even if I was free. Taking pictures for reviews isn't a huge problem since I normally take them in bulk and then edit them over time. But writing the reviews is what takes me a while because I like to make sure I'm writing good content and that I'm informing you all as accurately as I possibly can.
Writing a review can take up to two-three hours because I outline, write, edit, and check my work a lot. Even when I do all that I still find mistakes so it can be stressful. Because I'm in school it's just not possible for me to be writing and taking pictures all the time. With taking pictures, editing pictures, writing posts it would normally take 12-13 hours a week. As much as I love this blog I can't invest that much time just yet. if I can bring it down to 7-8 hours a week it'd be much more manageable for me and I'd still have time for my studies and friends. Basically, I just need to cut the time down so I can make sure I succeed in the real world, haha!
Next, I want to talk about is my youtube channel. I've had it for a few years and in my freshman year of college, I started making videos. I was always going back and forth on what kind of content I should make but now I have my basics down. I wanted to be able to show you more than just reviewing skincare and makeup products.
I do plan on making skincare videos since that is very important to me but I found some other things that interest me that I feel like I could make videos on. I won't go too much into detail but I will give you some keywords: Crafting and College!
Well, anyways that's all I have to say for now I will seriously and honestly try to write more posts and update you guys some more on any of my ideas. Thanks for being so patient with me and I hope you all have a great day!

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