
Life Update: June 2016

Hello, my cuties! It's been almost three months and I haven't made a post and for that, I sincerely apologize. If any of you follow me on social media (particularly Twitter) you'll know that I've been very stressed these past few months. This semester was quite difficult for me not only academic wise but emotionally as well.

In March, I was swamped with college applications and trying to find the right college to transfer to after my time at community college. I had to stop writing reviews because I wasn't able to balance my school life with what I enjoyed. My classes were difficult and I wanted to make sure I did well or at least gave it my all. I took 6 classes with a lab and I don't think I'll ever do that again. Or at least I'll make sure to not take too many hard classes (micro-economics, accounting, and biology killed me).
Classes ended in the beginning of May but I still didn't want to post because I was in the middle of choosing which school I wanted to go to. I am very proud to say that I got accepted into Emerson University for their marketing program and to Lesley University for their management program. I had some personal issues as well that related to what school to pick so I wasn't able to pick a school for almost a month. But I happy to say that I am going to Lesley University now. I actually chose to go to the school today because my dad offered me a deal.
As much as I would have loved to go to Emerson it was too much money to go and my dad knew how desperately I wanted to go there or at least be in Boston for my education. So when we found out I got accepted in Lesley he thought about it for a few weeks and then told me today that if I cleaned my room he would allow me to go.
I know it sounds pretty stupid but let me explain. My room is a mess. Like I'm not kidding I would show you but it's kind of embarrassing. When I get extremely stressed I let go of everything... and I mean everything. I don't dress as well, I don't take care of my skin, I stop eating healthy, I stop exercising, and I don't clean my room. Unfortunately for my parents and I, I became stressed for three months. My dad is a very clean man so every week he would tell me to clean and I wouldn't. Because I literally cannot deal with anything including my own emotions when I am stressed.
My dad had enough for the past month and he would get slightly upset (which I don't blame him) and he'd tell me to fix my room. That in turn, made me upset that he was upset and I would proceed to get angry or cry. So when he came into my room today he did that little sigh thing when parents are annoyed that you didn't do what they asked but I was ready to FIGHT!
I was still upset that I hadn't picked a school and friends and family kept asking me what my plan was now that I was done with community college. So just seeing my dad either made me upset or gave me anxiety. When he told me that he was letting me go to Lesley I cried... I kid you not I cried and ran over to hug him. My father then proceeded to tell me that he had one condition and that was I had to clean my room. I laughed and said okay and I have cleaned up a little bit of my mess. It'll take me a few days but if that's my ticket to Lesley then I'll take it, haha!
Most of the stress from the past few months has been lifted so now that picking my school is out of the way I will be free to write more reviews or whatever else I want. I'm still working at the baseball field and that takes up a lot of my time as well but luckily I'm only there every other week so it won't be too time-consuming. In the month of July, I'll be going on vacation twice, one with friends and the other with family.
This summer is going by fast so I hope I can squeeze in at least 10 or 15 posts but we shall see. I'll try to post more frequently and to try to keep you all updated more.

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