
Where was I this past week?

SURPRISE I'M STILL HERE! I know I disappeared for about a week (my last post being last Monday) and I'm sure some of you are confused because I posted my new schedule and I literally stuck with it for one day. Don't worry I'm still going to post on those three days but there are still some days where my personal troubles overcome me and I don't feel up to post on here or on Instagram.... I'm trying to get better at that but life happens... This post is going to be a short one since I didn't really have a plan for today but I just wanted to let you all know that I'm okay!
OH...Actually, I do have a small announcement !!!!
There will be a bigger announcement later in the summer but I'm planning on making my own website so I can create it the way I want it! I enjoy using blogger but I had to buy a template and sometimes I wish I could customize it more. I'm VERY excited for that but I have to work on my church's website first! So you probably won't hear any more about this until August! I think that's all I have to say today, I will be back on Monday!!!

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